Molly’s life
on the road

Follow my journey to discover the beauty of Australia.


Hey! I’m Molly, a passionate adventurer and nature lover. In November 2022, I embarked on a solo 4WD journey and since then I’ve travelled through the rocky mountains, river crossings, dusty deserts, and dense rainforests, experiencing the beauty of nature in its purest form that most people won’t get the chance to see. From building my 2020 Hilux from scratch, I was motivated to travel around Australia, and I’m so grateful this is now my everyday life!

Australia. The Land Down Under.

The places I’ve travelled cover all states of Australia. I thoroughly enjoy the tropical climate in Far North Queensland and love to explore the Cape.

I have covered over 12,345 kilometres so far.

Aussie girl, born and bred in the Yarra Valley of Victoria.


High Top Trucker Cap. Designed in Australia.

How I Started

As I begun my solo travels, the first was to deck it out with necessary 4WD accessories. I started with the front end of the car (bullbar, winch, snorkel) which was enough for Cape York. Soon after I was ready for a rooftop tent and had the dream to make my way around Australia on my own… which is what I have been doing ever since!

How it’s going

Life on the road

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